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2017 Summary: BAND-IT Partners with Mile High United Way to Invest in their Local Community

December 28.2017 | Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of our annual volunteer and giving plan for 2017 we set a goal to become a leading corporate partner within our local community. The Globeville / Elyria-Swansea neighborhood in Denver, Colorado has been BAND-IT's home since the mid 1940’s. To help us achieve our goal, we approached Mile High United Way with a unique request: help us help the neighborhood we call home. Our employees responded with an unprecedented wave of philanthropic giving and involvement—achieving 65% company volunteer participation at onsite events; more than double any of our past volunteer efforts in the history of BAND-IT. Over 150 volunteers donated 650 hours of community service at 12 onsite volunteer events supporting 8 local nonprofits. In addition to the voluteer hours, the IDEX Foundation contributed $20,000 directed to local neighborhood initiatives.

This is the result of the partnership:

As we enter 2018 we will build on the successes of 2017 and further leverage our partnership with Mile High United Way to foster the culture of philanthropy and local community service that has blossomd within BAND-IT.