News Room

Is BAND-IT Really "Essentially Everywhere"?

August 22.2019 | Product News

BAND-IT describes its products as being “Essentially Everywhere” and that held true for Inside Sales Rep Jakub, who noticed a surprising amount of BAND-IT Bands in use in just one block of his neighborhood in Arvada, Colorado. 

Jakub was walking his dog recently and started to notice our bands on poles, stoplights, and even being used to hold up a dog waste bag dispenser. “The variety of uses and adaptability of BAND-IT products just in my neighborhood amazed me.” said Jakub of his discoveries. 

In fact, its very common for our employees to explain BAND-IT to our friends and family by looking around for one of our products as an example. More often than not there is a BAND-IT band somewhere within sight!

Have you seen a BAND-IT clamp in a unique application? Send a photo to and you could receive some BAND-IT swag! 

