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Essential Applications: Fire Sleeving in Jet Engines

June 25.2020 | Essential Applications

For Securing Fire Resistant Sleeves on Critical Hoses and Wires in Jet Engines, the BAND-IT JS Clamp is the Choice of Manufacturers

Fighter Jet engines operate in extremes: high altitude, cold air, and hot engines. While rare, if a fire was to break out in the engine, fiberglass sleeving protects the critical hose and electrical systems to give the pilot a chance to extinguish the fire, land, or eject. The BAND-IT JS clamp was selected to secure the sleeving in place because of its proven ability to handle extreme heat, extreme cold, and the vibration of the aircraft. The result is a consistent tension on the clamp and a sleeve that doesn’t loosen or slip during flight. 

fire sleevingThe BAND-IT Edge

• Minimal expansion/contraction from thermal changes
• High strength to weight ratio
• Consistent installation tools and smooth edge ensure the sleeve is tightly secured without damaging the sleeving
• Available in multiple alloys, including Alloy 625

Product Features

• Steel Clamps have a higher melting temperature and longer life than plastic ties
• JS Clamps have a low buckle profile to prevent catching or damage to other components.