
2 Bolt Brack-It

Used to mount traffic signs, security devices, and enclosures. Withstands stress and wind vibration with specialty designed reinforcement ribs.

  • Fully threaded to solidly anchor attachment bolts.
  • Hex head bolts with metal and fiber washer, no nuts required.
  • Applied with BAND-IT® Band and Buckles, BAND-FAST®, VALU-STRAP™, VALU-STRAP Plus™, or Ultra-Lok® Systems.
Pricing & Purchasing

Product Specifications

Part # Description Thickness (In) Package Quantity  Package Weight (Lbs)
D00889 2 bolt straight leg SS Brack-It with SS Bolt, washer, and fibre washer. 3/4″ slot 0.07 50 / Box 9.2
D00999 2 bolt straight leg SS Brack-It only. 3/4″ slot 0.07 50 / box 7.1
Part # Description Thickness (mm)  Package Quantity  Package Weight (Kg)
D00889 2 bolt straight leg SS Brack-It with SS Bolt, washer, and fibre washer. 3/4″ slot 1.78 50 / Box 4.2
D00999 2 bolt straight leg SS Brack-It only. 3/4″ slot 1.78 50 / box 3.2

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